Initially, the installation of brickslips with brick slip adhesive can be a daunting task, however with the correct products and our handy installation guide, you can be sure to complete this!
For this reason, we recommend the use of our Brick Slip Rapid Set Adhesive.
Rapid Set Adhesive
You can apply Rapid Set Adhesive on a variety of substrates, including plywood, brickwork and stonework. Each bag covers an area of approximately 6m2 per 20kg bag.
Initially, to apply the adhesive, we recommend covering 1-2m2 of the wall with adhesive at a time to allow appropriate time to install the
brick slips. The adhesive sets within 3 hours. So you can pro-rata the water/adhesive ratios (just in case it sets before you have time to install).
Application of the Adhesive
Most importantly, you will need your mixing bucket, notched comb spreader and rapid set adhesive. You can purchase these individually or as part of our brick slip installation kit.
Step 1. Add approx 4 litres of cold clean water to the mixing bucket
Step 2. Add the entire contents of the Rapid Set Adhesive bag to your mixing bucket, and stir until you have a homogenous paste free from lumps. Our brick slip mixing paddle can help with this process
Step 3. Apply an even and consistent layer of the adhesive to your substrate using the notched trowel, starting where the first tile is to be installed and working across horizontally to complete at least one full row of brick slips.
Finally, once the slips are fixed to the substrate, now is the time to apply the mortar.
Gun Injectable Mortar
We sell a variety of brick slip mortar colours to suit your taste and choice of brickslip.
The mortar goes in between the brickslips to fill the gaps between the slips. Importantly, the mortar is gun injectable. This means that you mix it and apply using a gun applicator, which is undoubtedly less messy than traditional application methods.
Specifically, our gun injected mortar is available in 6 amazing colour options.
We’d love to see your project! Drop us an email via our contact page or tag us in on instagram @brickslipsuk